This Acceptable Use Policy sets out the terms under which you may access our Services and applies as soon as you access and/or use Lean Payments.
Please check the Terms of Use for the meaning of the defined words.
1.1 You may use our services only for lawful purposes. You may not use our services:
• in any way that breaches any applicable local, national, or international law or regulation, or causes Lean Payments to breach any applicable law or regulation;
• in any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;
• for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way;
• for anything that is abusive, harmful, or does not comply with our content standards;
• for any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional material, or any other form of spam;
• to deal in harmful programs such as viruses, spyware, or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware;
• in any way that would locally or internationally evade any applicable taxes or facilitate tax evasion.
1.2 Unsupported businesses and transactions
We do not support businesses or transactions which are involved in any of the following categories, such businesses or transactions may be declined. While this list is representative, it is not exhaustive, and we reserve our right to deny our services to any customers who exceed our risk tolerance.
1.2.1 Regulated or illegal products and services
• Adult content
• Alcohol businesses
• Tobacco products
• Cannabis
• Drug paraphernalia
• Counterfeit or unauthorized goods
• Gambling
1.2.2 Financial and other professional services
• Binary options
• Escrow services
• Companies involved in the exchange or trading of cryptocurrencies, or any other virtual currencies including payments for the purpose of purchasing cryptocurrencies
• Marketplaces from countries outside of European Economic Area and/or European Union or North America.
• Money service businesses
• Shell banks
• Superannuation funds
• Syndicates
• Trust and corporate service providers that are involved in:
1. Opening accounts on behalf of other businesses
2. Offshore company formation
3. Using nominee directors and/or shareholders to obscure company ownership
• Any other financial services operating without a licence where one is required
1.3 You also agree:
• not to copy or use any part of our services in contravention of the provisions of our Terms of Use
• not to access without authority, interfere with, damage, or disrupt:
1. any part of our Services;
2. any equipment or network on which our Website is stored;
3. any software used in the provision of our Services;
4. any equipment, network, or software owned or used by any third party.
• not to use Lean Payments services in a manner that is likely to result in complaints, disputes, reversals, chargebacks, or other liabilities to Lean Payments, other customers, third parties, or you
We will determine whether there has been a breach of this Acceptable Use Policy through your use of our Services.
2.1 We take breach of this policy seriously and may take the following actions:
• immediate, temporary, or permanent withdrawal of your right to use our Services;
• suspend or cancel your payment orders and take such other actions as we consider necessary;
• immediate, temporary, or permanent removal of any posting or material uploaded by you;
• issue of a warning;
• legal action against you including proceedings for reimbursement of all costs on an “all expenses” basis;
• reporting and disclosure of information to law enforcement authorities
We may revise this Acceptable Use Policy at any time by amending this page. We recommend checking this page regularly as it is legally binding to you.
© 2021 Lean Payments Inc. All rights reserved.
Updated as of April 9, 2021